Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear god... April 19, 2011 - Skynet goes fully self-aware. This is gonna be my final birthday. And your last day to celebrate my birthday.

This year, I won't be celebrating my birthday on April 21, 2011. Instead, I will be awaiting Judgement day as predicted in the Terminator. That day, Kyle Reese will witness nuclear missiles being launched while playing baseball. But seriously, people need to get lives instead of creating entire alternate worlds according to a movie... now that I made that claim, I must also say that it's awesome that my birthday has some significance in the Terminator world and that I totally respect the people who do these fan fiction sort of stuff. Or well, not fiction to those people, but a fanality (Fan + Reality). I just realized that word I created has the word "Anal" in it and I giggle, not going to lie. But that's besides the point. As a nerd, I am completely thrilled to have my birthday lie on such an important day in human history. Take care everybody, enjoy the 247 days you have left. Thanks for the sweet birthday gift, nerds.

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