Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another Clear Example of the Technological Majesty that is the Internet

"That isn't yogurt, it's mayonnaise" - Hugh Grant

Runescape. ( A massively online game whose main audience are either youthful, prepubescent young kids or sad, lonely older people. Deciding to take advantage of the latter group, I created a female entity in the game and name her "Catholicgrl5", and have Cody pimp me out. I approached one gentleman in Varrock's city centre who was interested in having cyber for gold. I insisted that he give me some gold now to make sure I don't get played, and he'll give me more after. I promised him I'd show lady parts... and he gave me 5000 gold. I sent him Cody's email because he was the one who was prepared to bare skin. The following is the conversation between (Victim: Cody) and (Catholicgrl5: Cody R). It was simply a strange coincidence that the guy's name was also Cody... which made Cody change his MSN name to Catholicgrl5.
(Mark) Cody. says (1:40 AM):
*your on runescape right ? hahah
Cody. just sent you a nudge.
Cody. says (1:42 AM):
*cam now or what ?

(Accomplice) Catholicgrl5 says (1:42 AM):
*heeey, sorry

Cody. says (1:42 AM):
*sorry for what ? haha
*just go on cam now :) like you said

Catholicgrl5 says (1:42 AM):
*I was just adjusting my computer :)
*it took a second, so sorry!!

Cody. says (1:43 AM):
*its ok haha

Catholicgrl5 says (1:43 AM):
*just give me a minute to get ready cutie ;)

Cody. says (1:43 AM):
*alritey welll hurrrry ;)

Catholicgrl5 says (1:45 AM):
*Is that really your tattoo?

Cody. says (1:45 AM):
*yesss it is :) well one of them

* Cody. is inviting you to start sending webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

Cody. says (1:47 AM):
*huurrrryyyyy;) :)

Catholicgrl5 says (1:47 AM):
*sooorrry, I'm trying to look good!!! :)

Cody. says (1:47 AM):
*youll look good anyways.

Catholicgrl5 says (1:48 AM):
*you're sweet, I hope you think so

Cody. says (1:48 AM):
*i bet you willl :)

Cody. says (1:49 AM):
*yourrr gonna be hot the way you are

* Messenger is not available right now. Please try again later. (0x8ac70202)

Cody. says (1:49 AM):
*just go on ;)

* Starting a Video Call with Cody. ...
End call (Alt+Q)

* Cody. is not answering.

* You have invited Cody. to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.

* Cody. has declined your invitation to start viewing webcam.

Cody. says (1:50 AM):
*not video call lol just accept the cam i sent you ;)

Catholicgrl5 says (1:51 AM):
*i did! send it again :)

* Cody. is inviting you to start sending webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

* You have accepted the invitation to start sending webcam.

Cody. says (1:51 AM):
*there click accept

*[This is where real Cody began to flash victim Cody with his testicle, butt and other unmentionables on live webcam]*

Cody. says (1:52 AM):
*fuccck offf

* The webcam session has ended.

Cody. says (1:53 AM):
*not even a girl you faggetttt

Catholicgrl5 says (1:54 AM):
*you said I would be hot the way I was :(

Cody. says (1:54 AM):
*ya but i thought you were a girl..............

Catholicgrl5 says (1:54 AM):
*and I thought you cared about me..

Cody. says (1:55 AM):
*well if you were a girl... not some fagget

Catholicgrl5 says (1:55 AM):
*I can change.. for you

Cody. says (1:55 AM):
*your a guy for fuck sakes

Catholicgrl5 says (2:04 AM):
*I'm sorry!! give me another chance??

Cody. says (2:05 AM):
*uhmmm your a guy though ?

Catholicgrl5 says (2:05 AM):

Cody. says (2:05 AM):
*im not gay

Catholicgrl5 says (2:06 AM):
*I'll wear a wig
*anything for you

Since its conception, the internet has quickly become the resulting rape-baby of the ideas and exploitation of millions upon billions of users. And so here we are, with my resulting generation. The generation that has been brought up by the wonder and perversion that is the connection of computers via internet. The generation that has invented blogging, vlogging, and any other type of digital medium that allows people to make disgusting amounts of money by sitting at home on their (Probably Mac-run, because it's awfully trendy at the moment) computers and simply voicing their opinion avant-garde. The internet seemingly eliminates the need for travel, formal education, live entertainment, postal service, transportation, parenting, friendship, speech, sexual interaction and a whole lot of other shit that makes human beings human. Damnit, I'm starting to rant.